Frequently Asked Questions

Lincoln Heating & Air has proudly served residents throughout Reno, NV, for nearly three decades. During our time, we spoke to a lot of customers and got asked many questions. Here are the ones we get the most.

While central air conditioners are still the standard for most homeowners, ductless mini-splits are becoming more popular, leaving people wondering which system is best.

Ductless systems offer these advantages.

Flexibility: A ductless mini split air conditioner can be installed in specific rooms or areas, allowing for zoned cooling instead of a particular temperature throughout the house.

Easier Installation: Because you don’t need ductwork, mini split air conditioners are easier and less expensive to install.

Energy Efficiency: Forced air systems, like central air conditioners, lose energy through leaks in the ductwork, which isn’t a factor with a ductless mini-split system. Running a ductless air conditioner can significantly save money on your monthly energy expenses.

Now, here’s what you get with a central air conditioner.

Uniform Cooling: Running a central AC gives you a consistent temperature throughout the house, which many homeowners prefer over zoned cooling.

Value: Potential homebuyers would typically rather have a central air system than a ductless air conditioner, making your home more attractive if you ever decide to sell.

Integration: One of the most beneficial things about a central air conditioner is integrating it with a central heating system for a unified heating and cooling solution.

At the end of the day, the system that’s right for you depends on factors like your budget, heating and cooling needs, and whether you need ducts installed. The best advice is to consult a heating and cooling professional to gauge your options.

Imagine coming home on a hot summer day to cool off and relax. However, you get warm air when you turn on the air conditioner. So, what’s going on? Here are the main reasons your air conditioner isn’t blowing cold air.

Low Refrigerant: Refrigerants are chemicals that make the air from your air conditioner cold. The system can’t produce cold air when you have low refrigerant levels, like from a leak. Leaking refrigerant doesn’t only cause poor AC performance; it’s harmful to the environment.

Dirty or Clogged Air Filter: A dirty or clogged air filter restricts airflow, reducing the air conditioner’s efficiency and preventing it from cooling your home. The good news is that this is an easy fix — just clean or replace the filter, and you should be good to go.

Thermostat Issues: If the thermostat isn’t working properly, the air conditioner won’t get the message on how cold the air should be. Sometimes, all it takes is fresh batteries, but if your thermostat is a relic from the 70s.

Frozen Coils: The evaporator coil is where the refrigerant absorbs heat from the air. Poor airflow results in frozen coils, possibly due to a clogged filter, backed-up drain, or low fan speed.

If your air conditioner isn’t giving you the cold air you want, call a professional AC contractor to diagnose the problem.

You may have read that the refrigerant R-22 (Freon) was banned in the United States because of its harmful environmental effects. Naturally, many homeowners wonder if they can still get a Freon recharge today.

The truth is that it’s still legal to use existing stocks of Freon and service existing equipment; however, these stocks are rapidly depleting, making recharging very expensive. It’s getting so expensive, in fact, that many homeowners opt to replace their aging system rather than deal with the hassle of a Freon recharge.

Some air conditioners can be retrofitted to use newer refrigerants, but purchasing a new unit is often more cost-effective.

One of the simplest things you can do to keep your furnace or air conditioning running efficiently is to change the air filter regularly. However, many people either forget to do it or don’t know how often it should be done, resulting in poor HVAC performance. Here’s what we say.

The frequency you change your HVAC filter depends on what type of filter you need, the overall air quality in your area, whether you have pets, and whether anyone in the house has allergies.

Generally, experts recommend changing a basic 1-3 inch filter every 30 to 90 days. If you have pets or suffer from allergies, change it every month. However, if you have a specialized filter, you can get it by changing it every 6 to 12 months.

Obviously, your furnace shouldn’t blow cold air. But if it does, is it unsafe? Should you turn it off?

Cold air from the furnace could be due to several issues, ranging from minor problems like the thermostat being set to ON instead of AUTO or more serious, like an ignition failure or a cracked heat exchanger.

Instead of immediately turning the furnace off, check the simple solutions like the incorrect thermostat setting or a clogged filter. If you’ve ruled out everything, and the furnace still blows cold air, call a professional to diagnose the problem.

A furnace that blows cold air isn’t dangerous, and you don’t need to turn it off, but letting it run will increase your energy costs and could worsen the problem.

Many people mistakenly think that getting the biggest air conditioner is the right solution to home comfort, but it’s more complicated than that.

Choosing an air conditioner that’s too big can result in short-cycling, causing it to wear out more quickly, poor humidity control, uneven cooling, and overspending.

An air conditioner that’s too small might run continuously to keep you cool, decreasing lifespan and increasing energy bills.

To choose the right-sized air conditioner, calculate the square footage of the area you want to cool by multiplying the length by the width of each room and summing the results. Once you have the square footage, consult with an HVAC professional to find a system that offers the power you need to keep the area